Bee Control
For more information regarding bees and other stinging insects go to this fact sheet from the CDC on protecting yourself from stinging insects.

Honey Bee Removal
Unlike most other bees and wasps, honey bees don’t normally set up their hive on or in your house. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean they never will and if your home is victimized by honey bees, you might be surprised at just how much damage they can do. They will chew the walls, like other pests, so they can get inside and start storing honey. Once they do this it attracts wasps and other stinging pests. Their fecal matter also will attract beetles and moths, causing an even bigger issue for you to tend to.
Our removal experts can help if you think or have discovered a nest anywhere on your property.
Need more answers? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!
Africanized Honey Bee Extermination
If you aren’t familiar with this species, they are very aggressive in comparison to your typical, regular bee. This means you should be more fearful of them. Should one attack you and sting you, a pheromone will be released and signals others so you have more coming to attack you.
If they gain entrance inside your home it will be because they found a small hole on the outside that gave them entrance to the inside. They will create a nest inside this area or other places around your property. If you suspect the hive on your property is from them you need to call us right away!
Carpenter Bee Removal
Of all the stinging pests, carpenter bees are up there with the most damaging. They choose the wood that is exposed and easy to get to, to create their burrows. Such places they like include wooden siding, soffits, fascia, windowsills, railings, and decks. The holes they make are typically 3/8 inch in diameter. Noticing sawdust around the hole or even pollen will help you identify if bees are currently present in the hole.
You should contact our pest experts if you suspect an issue on your property or any other stinging insects that pose a risk to your family.
Quality Services with Reasonable Prices
Nesting Bee, Wasp and Hornet Removal
Certain stinging insects will create their nests in lower spots, including in the ground. When a yellow jacket or wasp sets up a ground nest there will typically be many entry points to their nest. Such places that are common to find ground nests include along tree lines, or the edge of banks. It can be harder and more dangerous to treat these particular pests and if you suspect a ground nest is present you will want to stay away from it; that includes keeping your pets and children away from it as well.
Call our specialists so we can come have a look and get it taken care of quickly and safely.